Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Double Sided Peanut Butter Jar

So as my blogger name depicts I am in fact an advertising major. In my marketing for advertising majors class this afternoon a friend of mine and fellow classmate was called on by our teacher and instead of answering her question he instead brought up an invention he had thought of and how easy it would be to market. His invention was a double sided peanut butter jar. At first it sounds laughable but if you take the time to think about it the idea is not so far off. His idea came from his frustration at never being able to get to the peanut butter at the end of the jar. It's hard to reach and your hands get all sticky and peanut buttery in the process of fishing for the last morsels of peanut butter. So instead he proposed: why not just have a lid at the other end of the jar that you can unscrew and successfully get the rest of the peanut butter and therefore get your moneys worth.

Although I doubt we will see a double sided peanut butter jar in the grocery stores soon it made me think about how people come up with ideas, because to me this "invention", although it sounded interesting, was totally off the wall, off topic and random. What was he thinking about in class that made him ponder up such an "invention"? I know just as well any one the way your mind tends to wander in class, but I think it is interesting the different things people think about. I would never wish to be a mind reader because I do think there are some people's thoughts I just don't necessarily need to hear, but it would be interesting to know the processes which lead people to think or act the way they do. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

tyty8989I invented that in 2008 and i could never sucessfully paten it because it was invented in 2001 but it was glass