Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools?! Really Hilary?

So apparently, Hilary Clinton is just getting all the laughs today. NOT! This is the lamest April Fool's joke I think I have ever heard. Challenging Obama to a bowl off? That's the best you could think of Hil Clint? Well you may think your presidential campaign is the shit, but your jokes SUCK! Not only was the delivery of the joke dry and horrible, the actual idea blows. Bowling?? Maybe you should challenge Obama so that when he kicks your ass in bowling we'll all have the last laugh! 

Okay all Hilary bashing aside, I thought this was an unusual thing for a presidential candidate to do. She is trying to show a lighter, more humorous, side to her, but unfortunately I don't think this will give her any leg up in her campaign and may even hurt her if taken out of context. If someone watched her deliver her "hilarious" April Fool's joke on TV and changed the channel before she said it was a joke, there goes a few hundred votes! Let's just keep it strictly business for now Hilary, and leave the jokes for someone else. 

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